Look out! The muse is loose,all a-glitter and a-shake in her mermaid self.One grab and all you’ve got is a handful of scales for your trouble. Listen carefully; what you wantcould be a stray note from her full lips,as she wriggles off to the other shore,singing and laughing merrily off-key. Take that note; that’s all […]
Draw Down the Moon
To dance on the earth in the sunshine, you must fly to the moon first, and draw her to your side in darkness and silence. Then you will hear the song, and the dance of wholeness will begin. Take this full moon, new year opportunity to draw down the moon, and listen. 🙂
Shift Your Angle to See in the Dark
Sometimes, nothing seems to flow, I know. Usually, it turns out there’s dark matter in the way of my vision. The only way to “see” it, is to change frequencies (perspectives) to make it visible and then move to get a better angle on the stars behind it. Be still for a minute, and contemplate […]