Ever wonder who that person was years ago who carried your name? We tend to think of who we were before major life changes as being like someone else, right? And yet, there’s a continuity as well. I am still that second-grade girl feeling the presence of Jesus in the stained-glass dome of St. Michael’s Catholic Church. And yet . . . there’s also a sense of changing lanes on the spiritual highway over the years.
Navigating the Soul’s Journey
I’m still mulling over this phenomenon that has become me over the last twenty or so years now. After my initial connection to Higher Self in 1998, which my ego found very exciting and managed to mis-use in its usual anxious way, I gradually (and not smoothly, mind you—many cathartic moments of up and down involved) settled into the psychological vessel I now occupy. It felt like a series of steep hills and deep valleys at the time.
Now, I still hold onto daily anxieties about the future (sigh!), but on the whole find myself calmer and much more patient with outside circumstances than before.
Changing My Brain
Other people continue to be amazed by this, and I can’t fully explain how I changed my brain (no step-by-step procedure, sorry) to make space for my soul, but I did. I believe that the electro-chemistry in my neural net did shift. It’s not just some airy-fairy spiritual wand waving thing. We are biological creatures here, so any energies we apply to ourselves will have biological manifestations. I’ll bet if I’d had some MRI thing done back in 1995 and then again in 2016, there’d be some interesting changes in connections, particularly between the emotional centers and my rational decision-making centers.
To me it feels like unraveling a straitjacket from a point where my own willingness to change somehow untied the first knots. I do feel like I can use this gift of infinite patience and non-judgmental attitude to help other people shift their own neural nets to a happier place. This is a very “yin” thing, though. No goals, no checklists, no affirmations, no striving after something.
Being the Space for You
Ah, the paradoxes of our relative universe! Finding stuff in the “empty” space to create something new. Of course, stars and galaxies-to-be do this all the time, and so can we.
It’s a challenge to structure a “program” around the empty space of a non-judgmental opening gift to another to be who they are happiest being, but it can be done. I think it just involves taking an attitude of letting the person on the journey find their way in the open space that we provide. After we identify some pathways that resonate, I can offer a structured program to guide someone down that pathway. But conversation and connection need to come first. Also, resting in the space. 🙂
I see a need from people I talk with for someone in their life who will give this gift of space, to listen, yes, but more than that, to project an energy of acceptance that generates power for change. The other person just needs to be willing to make a change. Willingness counts for a lot. That’s where the action is. Only you can take advantage of the space given. Only you can make the most of your journey.
I’d love to be that open space for you to change your brain and recreate yourself in your soul’s image.
Just let me know when you are willing to get started. I’ll be here.