It’s scientific woo-woo time! If you’re not into it, check out the other categories in the blog sidebar. 🙂
“Let there be . . . darkness! And let it bind and expand the fabric of space-time and connect all matter as it cools.”
Sometimes my posts will be very grounded, but ultimately, you are just a collection of quantum particles held together by nuclear energy and gravity (star stuff!). So, with me you get to explore the physics as well as the metaphysics of the universe.
The Physics
Dark energy (not the same as dark matter) seems to suffuse the entire universe. In the constant struggle (if it is a struggle—could be a dance) with gravity, dark energy wins, as far as the astrophysicists can tell. All the matter in the universe is constantly expanding, and that expansion is accelerating. So, eventually all the galaxies will grow farther apart and cool off because eventually gravity will lose, and the universe will wind down into darkness.
(For the brain-expansion-inclined, there are two good articles from NASA on the status of dark energy located here (2016) and more recently here (2019). And a video of the life of a galaxy in an expanding universe—only about 2 minutes in video time—here.)
The Metaphysics
But wait, if dark energy is everywhere and keeps expanding the stuff on the universal fabric (or is the universal fabric), then what else might it be doing?
As an avid science fiction fan, I am fascinated by the possibilities of science being able to explain or measure energies that some folks say they can feel, “hear,” “see,” or manipulate (think Reiki, ESP, channeling, etc.). When I think about the energetic connections between minds/brains or other sentient entities in the universe, I figure they’d be sourced in quantum connections at the sub-atomic level. Now, though, I wonder if dark energy may play a role in connecting conscious energy.
What if, when we are meditating, channeling, medium-ing, energy healing, etc., we are simply connecting into the fabric of space-time where all energy is connecting outside of the limits of matter, the electromagnetic spectrum, and the speed of light? That would explain instantaneous connection over distance but outside time. It would also provide a “place” for consciousness to continue beyond what we call “death.”
Feeling into the Larger Universe
So, the visual part of our universe may be only a small part of what’s going on. Even the expanded electromagnetic spectrum (more on that here), from radio waves to gamma rays, is only part of the story of the universe. It’s the invisible parts that connect everything, like the Force in the Star Wars universe.
So, when you are meditating, you can feel into your energetic essence connecting to the gravity curves of the space-time fabric, surfing through gravity waves and having conversations with other consciousnesses also surfing the same fabric (including Gautama, the Buddha!).
Now, there’s no experimental proof that this picture of mine is the way it really works, but I look forward to seeing what the scientists come up with in the rest of my lifetime. Meanwhile, I’ll keep on enjoying my subjective experience of connecting with All That Is, whether it’s just my own brain talking to itself, or a more expanded connection to the universe.
Because for humans, it’s how it feels that ultimately counts. 🙂